I have two very exciting pieces of news to share with you.
Piano stool
The Duet Stool
When I was at Kempton, I had my eye out for a duet or piano stool to use as a wedding gift for a friend getting married this summer. I was really pleased with the one I found as the upholstery was minimal but the stool was in really good condition.
A Visit to Kempton
Once I had finished the armchair, I was once again in search of a new project. This time I really wanted to do something for myself, either to keep or sell on. I had been systematically trawling the local house clearance and charity shops but nothing had caught my eye.
Hannah’s Piano Stool
Having signed up to classes quite late and with no prior thought, I found myself without a project to take with me. As luck would have it I was going to an engagement/house warming party the week before term began. It was the last month I was still being paid from my teaching job but it was the end of the summer holidays and I had far too much time on my hands, so I baked a cake and set off for the party.