Less Mini Raised Beds

Sweetpea seedlings

After the success of my mini raised beds, I definitely had the DIY bug. I had last Friday booked off work but the plans I had fell through so I was daydreaming on the Thursday about what to fill my day with. I ended up sketching out a plan for a bigger version of the mini raised beds I’d built a couple of weeks before. I googled where to buy timber and before I knew it, I had committed myself to my biggest DIY project yet.

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Mini Raised Beds

Purple trailing violas

A gardening post because of all the sunshine recently!

Last autumn, I was watching an inordinate number of episodes of Gok Wan’s Fill Your House for Free. While I think I preferred Kirstie Allsop’s version, the phrase ‘made with pallet wood we sourced for free online’, obviously filtered into my head because when I saw some old pallets destined for the skip at college, I put one in my car without a moment’s thought. For the next six months, that pallet languished in my little garden, taking up space and definitely not improving its looks.

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PSA: Wear Safety Specs!

Wear safety glasses

Remember at school, when you were carrying out some innocuous activity or another, and your teacher made you wear those awful plastic safety googles that were horribly uncool, blurred your vision and made it harder to finish you task? If you were lucky you got safety glasses that were slightly less awful. You only wore them when the teacher was looking and pushed them up on top of your head the rest of the time.

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